Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee Replacement Surgery
Restore mobility of the knee joint by getting rid of the affected one. Undergo advanced and minimally invasive total knee replacement Surgery or partial knee replacement Surgery. Book your appointment today with SurgiKure to get in touch with a highly experienced orthopedic surgeon to undergo safest knee replacement Surgery.
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What is Knee Replacement Surgery?
Knee replacement surgery procedure involves replacing a damaged, worn, or diseased knee with an artificial joint. It is also known as arthroplasty and total knee replacement Surgery. In this surgery, metal and plastic parts are used to cap the ends of the bones that form the knee joint, along with the knee cap. Knee replacement Surgery is usually considered if the patient has severe arthritis or a severe knee injury. In most cases, a successful knee replacement Surgery typically leads to a higher quality of life, better mobility, and less pain. Patients see significant improvements in pain, stiffness, physical function, vitality, and social functioning.
USFDA-Approved Procedure
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No-Cost EMI
1-day Hospitalization
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Types of Knee Replacement Surgery
There are two main types of knee replacement Surgery – Total knee replacement and partial knee replacement.
Total knee replacement Surgery
This surgical procedure involves the replacement of both sides of the knee joint. During the surgery, an orthopedic surgeon removes the damaged cartilage and bone and then positions the new metal and plastic implant to restore the alignment and function of the knee. The complete surgical procedure takes about 1-3 hours.
Partial knee replacement Surgery
In a partial knee replacement Surgery, either the outside (lateral) or inside (medial) compartments of the knee joint are removed and replaced with artificial joints. During the procedure, an orthopedic surgeon makes a small incision to gain access to the affected compartment of the knee. After that, a surgeon moves the supporting structures of the knee out of the way and removes damaged cartilage and bone tissue from the surfaces of the tibia and the femur in the arthritic area. Moreover, a partial joint replacement process is less taxing on the body than a full joint replacement. Partial knee replacement involves lesser bone and soft tissue dissection.
Why SurgiKure ?
Delivering Seamless Surgical Experience in India
Consultation For 30+ Diseases Across India
SurgiKure provides consultation for 30+ diseases and treatments such as Piles, Hernia, Kidney Stones, Cataract, Gynecomastia etc. across 10+ major cities in India.
Medical Expertise With Technology
Our surgeons spend a lot of time with you to diagnose your condition. You are assisted in all pre-surgery medical diagnostics. We offer advanced laser and laparoscopic surgical treatment. Our procedures are USFDA approved.
Assisted Surgery Experience
A dedicated Care Coordinator assists you throughout the surgery journey from insurance paperwork, to free commute from home to hospital & back and admission-discharge process at the hospital.
Post Surgery Care
We offer free follow-up consultations and instructions including dietary tips as well as exercises to every patient to ensure they have a smooth recovery to their daily routines.
Our Patient Love Us
Patients praise our exceptional care, sharing heartfelt stories of trust and satisfaction with our dedicated team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get Your Answer
When should I consult an orthopedist for knee replacement Surgery?
You may need knee replacement Surgery after a serious knee injury or other painful conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., that may limit your ability to perform everyday tasks, such as walking, climbing stairs, etc.
What is the recurrence rate of knee problems after knee replacement Surgery?
Generally, after a successful knee replacement Surgery, the patient would not experience any knee-related issues for at least the next 10-15 years.
How can I choose the best implant for me?
Typically, the choice for a knee implant depends on various factors such as the patient’s age, type of Knee Replacement Surgery, health condition, the severity of knee degeneration, budget, etc. Therefore, the implant is chosen by the doctor and patient together, following careful consideration.
How soon after knee replacement Surgery can I start walking?
You will be able to get out of bed and start walking the same day after the Knee Replacement Surgery, and will typically be discharged from the hospital 2 to 3 days after the Knee Replacement Surgery. Rehabilitation will begin immediately after the surgery with a supervised and personalized exercise program monitored by an orthopedic surgeon. You will not have pain and will be given medications to manage pain, prevent complications, and boost recovery.
How long will I be hospitalized after a knee replacement Surgery?
Most patients are discharged from the hospital 3 – 5 days after minimally invasive knee replacement Surgery.
How long will I feel pain after knee replacement Surgery?
After knee replacement Surgery, initial pain, inflammation, and swelling typically resolve within 2 to 4 weeks. The pain is not severe and can be easily managed with painkillers and anti-inflammatories.
What type of anesthesia is used for knee replacement Surgery?
Spinal or general anesthesia is typically used to make the area numb for Knee replacement Surgery.
At what age should I go for knee replacement Surgery?
Minimally invasive knee replacement Surgery can be carried out in adult patients of all ages. Even patients who are above the age of 50 years who are medically fit and are in good health can undergo knee replacement Surgery if their lifestyle and activities are restricted by painful conditions like arthritis of knee joints.