Hydrocele Treatment
Advanced Hydrocele Surgery (Hydrocelectomy)
A hydrocele can become problematic or even burst if not treated on time. Get safe and minimally painful hydrocele treatment from the best doctors in India. We provide treatment for unilateral and bilateral hydrocele at an affordable cost.
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What Is Hydrocele?
A hydrocele is a type of swelling in the scrotum or the pouch of skin that holds the testicles. This swelling generally occurs when the sac surrounding the testicles fills with fluid. Hydrocele often isn’t painful or harmful and can be left alone if it does not cause any symptoms. However, if your scrotum looks swollen, it is essential to consult your healthcare provider about it. Hydroceles are common among newborn babies and usually resolve on its own by age 1. But hydrocele can also occur in adults due to an injury within the scrotum or other health problems.
Contact us at SurgiKure and book a consultation with highly experienced urologists near you. Undergo effective and minimally invasive hydrocele surgery with SurgiKure.
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Diagnosis of Hydrocele
Before treatment, your urologist will likely perform a series of simple diagnostic tests. These tests are generally performed to determine the severity of your hydrocele and assess your overall health. To diagnose hydrocele, your doctor will perform a simple physical examination.
If you have hydrocele, your scrotum will look swollen. Your urologist will also ask some questions regarding your medical and surgical history and if you have any pre-existing medications. Your surgeon may also enquire about any injuries you may have suffered around the scrotum that could have caused your hydrocele. Alongside, to better understand your condition, your urologist may also perform some tests such as:
- Transillumination: Transillumination is a simple test in which a light source is placed against the scrotum to detect the composition of hydrocele. If there is presence of fluid in the scrotum, the light will pass through this fluid and cause your scrotum to light up. However, if scrotal swelling is due to a solid mass, the light will not pass through the scrotum.
- Ultrasound: In some cases, an ultrasound may be performed to confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the size and characteristics of the hydrocele. Ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to make pictures of organs, tissues other structures inside your body.
- Routine blood test: In some cases, hydrocele can be caused by infections such as syphilis and epididymitis. A blood test will help your urologist detect such an infection and provide relevant treatment.
Why SurgiKure ?
Delivering Seamless Surgical Experience in India
Consultation For 30+ Diseases Across India
SurgiKure provides consultation for 30+ diseases and treatments such as Piles, Hernia, Kidney Stones, Cataract, Gynecomastia etc. across 10+ major cities in India.
Medical Expertise With Technology
Our surgeons spend a lot of time with you to diagnose your condition. You are assisted in all pre-surgery medical diagnostics. We offer advanced laser and laparoscopic surgical treatment. Our procedures are USFDA approved.
Assisted Surgery Experience
A dedicated Care Coordinator assists you throughout the surgery journey from insurance paperwork, to free commute from home to hospital & back and admission-discharge process at the hospital.
Post Surgery Care
We offer free follow-up consultations and instructions including dietary tips as well as exercises to every patient to ensure they have a smooth recovery to their daily routines.
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Patients praise our exceptional care, sharing heartfelt stories of trust and satisfaction with our dedicated team.
Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the best treatment for hydrocele in men?
Treatment options for hydrocele in men include observation, needle drainage to remove fluid, or surgical removal of the hydrocele sac, depending on size, symptoms, and patient health.
What are the types of hydrocele?
Hydrocele types include communicating and non-communicating. Communicating hydroceles result from fluid accumulation due to a connection between the abdomen and the scrotum. Non-communicating hydroceles occur when fluid collects in the scrotum without a connection to the abdomen. Both types can be congenital or acquired.
Can hydrocele occur in females?
Hydroceles are rare in females compared to males due to anatomical differences. However, they can occur in females, typically as a result of fluid accumulation in the canal of Nuck, a small pouch of peritoneum extending into the inguinal canal. Female hydroceles may present as inguinal or labial swelling.